Law Firm in India

Technology Law & Cyber Law Cases

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes several obligations on the businesses involved in collecting, using and storing personal information of European Union (EU) residents. Therefore even if a business remotely has access to the EU residents then they must enter into a Data Processing Agreement (DPA). It is a legally binding document signed between the controller and the processor.

Global clients will refuse to work with an organisation if it lacks a basic data protection and privacy compliance system, because the data of their employees or customers would be at risk, exposing them to huge risk of fines and reputational damages.

Even otherwise last mile customer data is extremely important for an organisation to identify trends to optimise its production, marketing and sales strategies, which is why data protection is becoming inevitable even for non tech companies.

Legal Venures Law Offices provides its advisory services for its clients and help in preparing following documents amongst many others:

  • Compliance checklist under GDPR
  • Personal Data Analyses Form
  • GDPR Impact Assesment Report
  • GDPR Project Implementation Plan
  • Cookie Policy
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